Encourage local buying in bike shops in Laval
Here is our list of bike shops in Laval. Nowadays, shopping online is very easy, great prices, fast delivery, no need to get out. However, when you are about to go for a ride with your friends or family and your bike has a puncture, your local bike shop in Laval is there to save the day! Encourage your local bike shops as much as possible so that they can serve you better.

Bob Cyclo Sainte-Rose
96 Bd Sainte-Rose, Laval, QC H7L 1K4
Bob Cyclo Laval Ouest
1135 Bd Arthur-Sauvé, Laval, QC H7R 3W2

Cyclo Sport Laval
3541 Boulevard Lévesque O, Laval, QC H7V 1G1
(450) 681-4827

Sport Expert & Atmosphere Laval
3035 Boul. le Carrefour, Laval, QC H7T 1C8
Fat Bike Vélo
150 Boulevard Saint-Martin O, Laval, QC H7M 3Y8
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